Pistachio and White Chocolate Frollini box


Pistachio & biscuits White Chocolate with pure pistachio paste based on Green Pistachio di Bronte D.O.P., 100% pistachio grains produced by grinding shelled pistachios and delicious chunks of chopped Belgian white chocolate.

Category: SKU: FR02MT Tag:


The white chocolate, with its sweetness, blends harmoniously with the tasty Bronte PDO pistachios, famous for their intense and aromatic flavour.

At the basis of our recipes, unique and special, there is a scrupulous selection of the best raw materials which give our biscuits a unique and authentic taste. Our products are also without additives or preservatives.
In fact, our biscuits are made with the highest quality ingredients: Italian soft wheat flour, dairy butter produced exclusively with Premium cream, elite yolk from 100% Italian category A eggs from free-range hens and 100% Italian fine sifted sugar , excellent for giving friability to dough.

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375 g